Tuesday, April 5, 2011

David J. Gardner's Resume Success

Amplify’d from davidjgardner.com

Have you ever wondered what REALLY happens to your resume when you send it off to a company?

Because they don’t know you yet they have ONLY ONE WAY to evaluate you, only one way to decide if you get the interview or the boot:


Recruiters come in all shapes and sizes; some are managers, some are junior generalists, some recruit part time in a human resources department, and others recruit full time independently.  They all have their little quirks and personal opinions about resumes, which can make it all seem so arbitrary and luck-driven. When you talk to one alone it seems as though they evaluate resumes by feel, by their gut.  But when you talk to a LOT of recruiters you begin to realize that there are patterns in their opinion.  In fact, if you speak with enough of them and ask enough questions you begin to find that there are unsaid RULES that they all silently follow to choose which resumes will get the interview.

And many of them are NOT the rules found in the largely outdated information on resumes on the market today.

Recruiters are frustrated by the poor quality of the average resume. In fact, only 5% of resumes submitted to top companies are considered excellent. People just don’t seem to get it!  The challenge is that while great recruiters know exactly what they want to see and how they want to see it, it’s not their job to help you fix your resume! 

So you’re left with generic online templates, cut-rate ‘certified resume preparers’, and blind luck to have success with your resume. Most resume books come from either resume professionals with no recruitment experience or from one person who worked long term at one company.

No more.

I have spent months interviewing recruiters from Fortune and Maclean’s magazines ‘Top 100 Companies to Work For’ in the US and Canada to find out what THEY look for in a great resume. I also went to the recruitment agencies to receive feedback from professionals with background in over 20 top agencies. I have personally evaluated tens of thousands of resumes as a recruiter.

In short, I KNOW what top companies want to see in your resume.  I asked them.

How would you like to have the wisdom of over 50 recruiters with more than 600 years of recruiting experience in top companies from virtually every industry helping you build your resume?

How would you like to have recruiters who personally review over 761,000 resumes a year for top employers on your shoulder, guiding you as you create the resume that will put you in the top 5% in your industry?

Now you can.

Find out more about RESUME SUCCESS! Insider Secrets to Building the Resume that Top Companies LOVE

Read more at davidjgardner.com

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